Friday, July 27, 2012

DIY All-Natural Fruit Fly Trap

I think that everyone should be a do-it-yourself-er. For one thing, you can save huge amounts of money for usually very little work (depending on what kind of project it is). And completing a DIY project provides a tremendous sense of satisfaction. It's a huge self-esteem boost, even if the project was a little one, like the one below.

But of course, as Americans, we prefer everything to be pre-made and pre-packaged. Open a container and voila! Instant gratification.

So, to combat this mentality that we've all grown up with, I'm going to be featuring lots of easy DIY ideas. Here's the first one: (Thanks to Passionate Homemaking for this excellent and effective idea!)

All-Natural Fruit Fly Trap

What you'll need:

- A jar
- A piece of paper
- Tape
- Apple cider vinegar
- A small chunk of fruit (I happened to use kiwi)

Place the fruit in the jar and fill with about 1/2 inch of apple cider vinegar. Roll the paper into a funnel and tape. Make sure the bottom won't be touching the vinegar. Basically what will happen is this: The flies fly down through the funnel, but they aren't smart enough to fly back up. After you get a bunch of them in your jar, you can stick it in the freezer until they die and just pull it out and reuse it. No cleaning necessary :)

This is a picture of my trap about an hour after setting it out. There are about a dozen flies trapped already and half a dozen more working their way down the funnel! Amazing!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Creative Baby Food Combinations

The key to good nutrition is learning it and putting it into practice at an early age. Eating well is a habit that must be formed, so the sooner you start, the more likely you are to follow it the rest of your life. So why not start by teaching good nutrition to our infants? It makes sense, right? I'm so glad to see so many parents are stepping up and making their own baby food. It absolutely makes sense to do so because not only is it healthier, but it's cheaper than food in a jar and it's not very hard to do.

My go-to website for baby food information is Wholesome Baby Food. They have some fantastic information! But I know a lot of parents struggle with recipe ideas. Especially the first year, you can't just throw your own dinner in a blender and serve it up. I've gathered my list from various cookbooks, some pre-made combos I've seen in stores, and just out of my own head. The following are some of my daughter's favorite fruit and veggie combos:

Apricots and Applesauce

Avocado and Banana

Mango, Banana, and Kiwi

Green Beans, Peas, and Spinach
*Add a couple of fresh mint leaves when you blend it up.

Carrots, Turnips, and Applesauce
*You may want to use more or less of a certain ingredient depending on your baby's preferences.

Sweet Potato, Parsnips, and Applesauce
*Applesauce is a great way to sweeten up any dish.

Beets, Blueberries, and Applesauce
*I added steamed spinach and kale to this combo. These are great additives to sneak into just about any dish.

 Asparagus, Leek, White Potato, and Sweet Potato
*Add some parmesan and a splash of milk to this combo to make it creamy.

Sweet Potato, Blueberries, and Apples

Acorn Squash and Apples
*Add a pat of butter and some cinnamon to this.

Cauliflower, Carrots, and Tomato
*Only use one tomato. Peel and seed and chop it up and saute it in butter until soft. Add some cheddar and basil before you blend it all together.

Butternut Squash, Pumpkin, and Apples
*If you use canned pumpkin, make sure it's 100% pure and not pie filling!

Zucchini and White Potato
*Add parmesan to this combo.

Hope this list gives you some inspiration! Now, no excuses for not making your own food! These are so easy to just steam or bake and throw into a blender! And of course, they will last you a week or more! I like to keep three or four fruit and veggie combos in the freezer at all times for a quick and easy lunch for baby.